district studio

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One thing about collaboration

This might sound odd but I love times like this. Not the impact on health (and I hope everyone is staying safe) but the impact on business. It might be from working in the startup world for a handful of years where every day is a fire drill, and every fire drill offers a lesson to learn and an opportunity for growth. 

My goal with this newsletter is to share one thing each week that highlights the ways brands are innovating over the next few months, in a short email. It might even turn serial. 

This one is about collaboration. A few of my favorite brands, including Backdrop, Open Spaces, and Piecework, came together for one of the biggest partnerships I’ve seen...with a total of 26 brands. It’s called Staycation and it was inspired by a brick & mortar collaboration when brick & mortar was a high traffic channel. 

It’s part content (which I’ll talk more about in weeks to come) and part commerce. It’s a single page that 26 brands can point to and cross-promote while consumers are looking for all things home and ritual. You can find virtual events that offer a wide range of tips and ways to “do good” during these challenging times.

One thing to think about: Whether it’s on a national or local level, look to brands that you’ve partnered with previously to collaborate with now. It doesn’t have to be a fancy website and can be as simple as a new social handle. 

And please introduce yourself! Let me know what field you’re in so I can better craft these emails to those reading it. 

Ps. If there’s anyone I can help introduce you to, please reach out! Or if there are ways that district studio and Hi Omaha can help, I’m all ears.